Legislature is subverting state’s ConCon process

Rhode Island’s Constitution mandates that decennially, next on Nov. 5, 2024, the people of Rhode Island can call a state constitutional convention via a popular referendum. It also mandates that prior to that referendum the state legislature must convene an...

Citizens for Responsible Government vs. RenewRI

On November 4, 2014, Rhode Islanders will vote on a referendum for or against convening a state constitutional convention.  On April 30, 2014, Citizens For Responsible Government was publicly launched to support a no vote.  On August 20, 2014, RenewRI was publicly...

Bi-Partisan Preparatory Commission’s Second Meeting

The Bi-Partisan Preparatory Commission met on August 7.  It made two important announcements before beginning with public testimony.  The first was that the Commission’s report would be published by August 25.  This date was premised on the need to get the...